- 普遍德语-high season 25小时每周 General German - high season 25 hrs wk
- 托福课程-low season 26小时每周 TOEFL Course - low season 26 hrs wk
- 一两天我就回来。 I will be back in a day or two.
- 普遍意大利语-high season 20小时每周 General Italian - high season 20 hrs wk
- 五天 five days
- 天外 beyond the highest heavens; far, ; far away
- 四天 four days
- 天盖 tester
- 扬抑格音步两个音节的音步,其中第一个音节重读,第二个音节不重读,如在单词season中,或第一个音节是长的,第二个音节是短的 A metrical foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable, as in season, or of a long syllable followed by a short syllable.
- 天轮 head sheave
- 这些天 these days
- 天父 Heavenly Father
- 天呀 jeepers
- 惊天 shocking
- 每隔一天 every two days
- 天各一方 (of family and friends) live far apart from each other
- 倚天 E-TEN Corp
- 过几天 in a few days
- 隔天 every other day
- 天心 right overhead; God's will; the will of Heaven